Wear Agape Proud
What does Agape mean to you? For us, our logo represents different characteristics that remind us to enlarge our souls and expand our hearts. Together, we wear our logo proud knowing these different attributes connect us.

An oval has no beginning and no end. It is the symbol of eternity.

The infinity is the concept of limitlessness. Like the oval, the infinity links us to our family, ancestors, and a higher power.

The diamond is the symbol of a loving relationship. It is an emblem of purity and perfection.

Sigma Bond
In chemistry, a sigma bond is the strongest type of bond between atoms that is formed by the sharing of two electrons. Agape is not a single or one-time event of giving something away. It is a state of being. Just like a sigma bond, it is difficult to break.

Healing Hearts
Inverted hearts represent the center of emotion, including affection and love. In our logo, two hearts are knit together and remind us that two hearts beat as one. At our core, hearts are intertwined together through memories. Share your heart and Live the Agape.
"Agape means love for another self not because of any lovable qualities which he or she may possess, but purely and entirely because it is a self capable of experiencing happiness and misery and endowed with the power to choose between good and evil. The love of humans is thus more than a feeling, it is a state of the will."